Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Chilgren

I thought you would like too these. They are done in huge! aspect so you can print them even in poster size if you wanted. Let me know if you want the CMYK printing file.


Amber Joy said...

These are amazing. I love how you've captured their interests. And the drawings look just like them!! I love it. Thank you for doing this. I totally want poster sizes of them!

Melody's Voice said...

Those are cool, but your didn't do Kade.

Melody's Voice said...

You could make a little business with that!

Serena Autumn Simonsen said...

wow those are so cool brandon! i love them! how long did it take you to do those?

Heather Lytle said...

I'm very impressed! You could make a little business out of it like Mel said.
Joel loved your antiqu rivet clip. He said "that is one talented boy"

Aaron Blair said...

Ya where's Kade? They are really good. And nice job on the video for those jeans!!!

Serena Autumn Simonsen said... only JUST starting to have his own personality and interests emerge... therefore he has not meritted such a portrait due to age default. -Just to justify brandon for ya'll

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